A podcast for those who are looking to slow down, return to their roots and feel more self-sufficient. Join Mandi Pickering of Wild Oak Farms, and Angela Ferraro-Fanning of Axe & Root Homestead in their new podcast HOMESTEADucation, created by homesteaders for homesteaders. This podcast will explore different facets of homesteading in detail including vegetable gardening, fruit orchard care, animal husbandry, and more. Follow us on Instagram: Angela @axeandroothomestead and Mandi @wildoakfarms
Deworming protocols: Yes or No?
Season 5, Episode 2 / To Deworm or Not to Deworm
Permaculture Perspective
Employ Rotational Grazing methods to manage worm populations
- Animals should have enough forage for 5-7 days, roughly
- Animals enter when grass forages reach 8-10” and legume forages reach 10-12”
- Never allow animals to graze the forage below 4”. This slows forage regrowth and encourages parasite ingestion otherwise
- A full rotation supplies 21-28 days before animals re-enter the original paddock
- Pasture rest and sunlight exposure are essential for regrowth, and dropping larvae egg counts
Employ Co-Species Grazing methods
- Goats and sheep share parasites. Those species do not share with horses, cows, and birds
- Different species eat different forages and forage portions, ensuring all forage is evenly grazed
- Birds are essential–they break apart manure piles looking for worms, insects, larvae, etc.
Effects of Dewormer on Ecosystem
- Dewormers are harmful to dung beetle populations which are an important part of ecosystem
- Excessive/unnecessary deworming builds resistance within animals
- Deworming products can effect non-targeted worms once contact is made with the soil just as earthworms
ALWAYS RUN FECAL COUNTS AT ANNUAL CHECK UPS! Learn Famacha scale for goats and sheep, interact with animals to detect any abnormalities, and walk your pastures to monitor forage heights and type!
Medically, if you take a listen the "different" viewpoints line up. Husbandry and medicine go hand in hand when it comes to parasite control and prevention.
Refugia is a confusing term that you may hear surrounding the topic of deworming and goats. Refugia essentially means (in this particular topic) the parasites that are in refuge from the drugs used to treat them. Similar to treating heavy shedders in a horse herd.
Resistance in this case is the genetic ability of parasites to survive treatment with an antiparasitic drug that was generally effective against those parasites in the past.
Prevent Parasites Through Grazing Management
(Penn State Extension)
Dewormer Resistance
Social// Instagram:
Angela: @axeandroothomestead
Mandi: @wildoakfarms
*This is not professional veterinary advice, please always work with your trusted veterinarian.