A podcast for those who are looking to slow down, return to their roots and feel more self-sufficient. Join Mandi Pickering of Wild Oak Farms, and Angela Ferraro-Fanning of Axe & Root Homestead in their new podcast HOMESTEADucation, created by homesteaders for homesteaders. This podcast will explore different facets of homesteading in detail including vegetable gardening, fruit orchard care, animal husbandry, and more. Follow us on Instagram: Angela @axeandroothomestead and Mandi @wildoakfarms
Podcasting since 2021 • 44 episodes
Latest Episodes
The Truth About Peat Moss
Peat moss is used for terrestrial plants both indoors and outdoors. It is spongy and holds enough water without being sopping wet, and is derived from digested Sphagnum moss, making it organic. Most people say that peat is not a ren...

Emergencies on your Homestead / Then vs. Now / Does it make you Tough?
Emergencies on your Homestead // Does this lifestyle make you tough? Where you started vs now?How have you changed? Have you changed? Advice for those starting out.Join us as we sit down and have more of an...

Natives, Growing Zones, Microclimates
Season 5: Episode 3 / Natives, Growing Zones, MicroclimatesWhat is a native species?According to US Forest Service:“Native plants are the indigenous terrestrial and aquatic species that have evolved ...
Season 5
Episode 3

Deworming protocols: Yes or No?
Season 5, Episode 2 / To Deworm or Not to DewormPermaculture PerspectiveEmploy Rotational Grazing methods to manage worm populationsAnimals should have enough forage for 5-7 days, roughly

We are BACK + Seasons in Homesteading
After a long Summer break, Angela and Mandi are BACK! Join us as we catch everyone up to speed, chat about "seasons" in homesteading. Maybe it is because we are seasoned? Real life conversation just like we are sitting down with yo...
Season 5
Episode 1